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New Fireproof and Insulation Materials Help Green and Energy Saving Buildings

2023-07-04 10:27:11

In recent years, there have been frequent incidents of fire and detachment of building insulation layers in China, causing significant losses such as casualties and posing serious safety hazards to related enterprises and individuals. Nowadays, a new type of inorganic composite non combustible insulation material has been officially launched in our city, and its excellent performance can effectively prevent the occurrence of building insulation layer accidents.

On July 4th, the New Materials and New Technology – Inorganic Composite Non combustible Insulation Board Promotion Conference, jointly organized by the Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau and the Municipal Green Building Association, and undertaken by Henan Shinsheng Building Energy saving Decoration Co., Ltd., was held in our city. More than 300 technical leaders from departments such as housing construction and quality supervision in our city, as well as various enterprises engaged in housing development, design, and supervision, participated in the promotion meeting. According to Ma Shuxin, the head of the Science and Technology Department of the Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau at the scene, in order to make the outer insulation materials of buildings safer, it is required that the insulation materials should not only be insulated but also fire resistant, while also having excellent mechanical and weather resistance properties. Although the rock wool we currently use in large quantities can achieve A-level fire resistance, its mechanical properties are poor and it is prone to water absorption and detachment, which not only affects the quality of the building but also poses safety hazards to the owners; The recently implemented integrated insulation structure technology is currently not widely accepted in the market due to its high cost. The emergence of inorganic composite non combustible insulation boards has just filled this market gap.

Henan Shinsheng Building Energy saving Decoration Co., Ltd. relies on the research and development of research departments such as the Chinese Academy of Building Sciences and Sichuan University to launch an inorganic composite non combustible insulation board. It is a new type of A-grade fire insulation material that uses polystyrene particles as the core insulation core material, inorganic cementitious materials, active mineral micro powders, silicon-based nanomaterials, etc. as the continuous phase. After fine grinding, slurry preparation, mechanical mixing, and chain plate pressing, it is formed. This insulation material not only meets the A-level fire protection requirements, but also has extremely low water absorption and excellent weather resistance. It can be applied to various forms of insulation without increasing the cost, which is on par or even lower than the existing insulation cost.

At the promotion event, the staff also demonstrated the fire test of the insulation material on site, and its excellent flame resistance performance received enthusiastic applause from the audience. Later, everyone came to visit the construction site where the external wall insulation material was being used. According to Zhang Yao, the general manager of the company, the inorganic composite non combustible insulation board has the characteristics of construction friendliness, non allergenicity, flat and non warping board body, and low overall cost in use.

In the investigation report of Liu Zhiyin, director of the expert committee of Xinxiang Green Association, he commented that the inorganic composite incombustible insulation board product meets the relevant requirements specified in the national industry standard JG/T536-2017 Thermosetting Composite Polystyrene foam Insulation Board and the standard of China Thermal Insulation and Energy Conservation Association T/CIEEME002-2020 Technical Specification for Application of Inorganic Composite Polystyrene Thermal Insulation Board, Passed the quality inspection of the National Engineering Quality Material Testing Center. It achieves a balance between fire prevention and insulation, with a wide range of applications and can be widely promoted and used.

The introduction of Henan Shinsheng inorganic composite non combustible insulation materials, known as Shengde, has effectively solved some problems in building exterior wall insulation materials and created a new chapter for the energy-saving of buildings in our city.

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